Monday, March 16, 2009

Why is it so difficult for me to blog?


It took me more than two years, half a bazillion gallons of coffee, more cigarettes than any bailout can ever buy, three reformats of my trusty old notebook, membership in all kinds of social networks and after reading reams and reams of online blogs from friends and total strangers...

In the dark and deep bowels of my heart, I envied those fools who can write - didn't matter if it was a great piece of literature or just pure crap.


Why is it so damn difficult for me?

I am a writer. By profession. Since 1984. Not just a writer - a creative writer at that! I play with words like Madoff plays with billions. I eat dictionaries and thesauruses for lunch. My notebook and smartphone have games like Scrabble and Text Twist. Right now I am doing scripts and documents for a new national advertising campaign. It's all words and writing and more words and more writing and...

finally, my own blog?

I wonder if can muster the will power to do a follow-up for this piece. I was just actually getting bored with my paid writing and decided to take a break and surf and, whaddyaknow, it's!

Now, please excuse me while I go back to scene 1 frame 2 : "...child starts coughing uncontrollably as mother brings out medicine. Zoom in for an e.c.u. of...."